Medical Care
Arts and Culture
In the event of an emergency an Ambulance Service can be contacted on 000 or call the RFDS 1800 625 800
The Sandstone Nursing Post on Irvine Street was opened in 2002. The Nursing Post operates every Thursday with the additional services of the RFDS Doctor in attendance every second Thursday.
Lana Lefroy is the attending nurse
She can be contacted at home on (08) 9963 5831 or at the nursing post on Thursdays on (08) 9963 5808
Nurse in attendance every Thursday until 4pm.
On RFDS days the doctor will be available from 9.00am - 11.30am with the nurse in attendance until 4pm.
Nearby medical assistance:
Mount Magnet Nursing Post - corner of Criddle and Welcome Street, Mt Magnet. Monday to Friday 8.30am - 4.00pm. Closed for lunch - staff on call for emergencies (08) 9963 3100
Meekatharra Hospital - Savage Street, Meekatharra. 24hour casualty service (08) 9961 0600
Sandstone now has a Telehealth service
Community members will now be able to have face-to-face consults with their medical practitioners on a computer in a private room at the Sandstone Community Hall. Appointment dates and times must be booked in at the Shire on (08) 9963 5802
Mental Health Emergency Response Line: (08) 9224 8888
Provides psychiatric emergency assessment & advisory service to assist mental health clients & their carers, including emergency medical care, emergency medical transport, individual and family crisis assistance, and psychiatric or drug related emergencies
Rural Link - Free call: 1800 552 002
Rural link is an after-hours telephone service for people in rural and regional Western Australia experiencing a mental health crisis. (4.30pm - 8.30am)
Callers to Rurallink are connected to a trained mental health clinician.
The service is available for: