
Arts and Culture
Sandstone has 2 airstrips. A north-south and an east-west both of which are gravel.
The Works Manager must be notified of any intention to land on 9963 5802 or 0457 993 008.
There is a $25.00 landing fee (RFDS exempt)
At present the only flights which land are those of the RFDS, landing fortnightly with the Doctor and/or in the case of emergencies.
Due to weather restrictions, the airstrip will be closed during times of heavy rainfall.
The airstrip is not manned and the Shire carries out routine wildlife inspections before flight arrivals. ( please notify the Shire on 08 9963 5802 or 0457 993 008 if you intend to use the strip)
There is also an “emergency landing strip” which is located on the Sandstone – Leinster Rd. This is only used if the main strips are closed and the RFDS needs to land in emergency situations.