Facilities & Services
Airport Facilities
Sandstone has 2 airstrips. A north-south and an east-west both of which are gravel.
The Works Manager must be notified of any intention to land on 9963 5802 or 0457 993 008.
There is a $25.00 landing fee (RFDS exempt)
At present the only flights which land are those of the RFDS, landing fortnightly with the Doctor and/or in the case of emergencies.
Due to weather restrictions, the airstrip will be closed during times of heavy rainfall.
The airstrip is not manned and the Shire carries out routine wildlife inspections before flight arrivals. ( please notify the Shire on 08 9963 5802 or 0457 993 008 if you intend to use the strip)
There is also an “emergency landing strip” which is located on the Sandstone – Leinster Rd. This is only used if the main strips are closed and the RFDS needs to land in emergency situations.
Bank / ATMs
Please note there are no banks or ATMs in Sandstone.
Community Recreation Centre
The Sandstone Community Centre is available to hire for social and sporting functions. There is also a golf course and bowling green available for use with golf sets available for hire from the Heritage Museum and Visitor Information Centre located on Hack Street.
For bookings or more information on the community centre, please contact the Shire office on (08) 9963 5802.
Water Playground
The Water Park was officially opened in 2011, with thanks to funding from Royalties for Regions.
It is located in the centre of town near the Visitor Centre and is a popular spot for locals and visitors to enjoy and cool down on those HOT summery Sandstone days.

The Sandstone Library is located within the Shire Office. Opening times are 8.30am – 4.30pm Mon – Fri.
Library books are obtained via the exchange system from the State Library of WA and each month a new allocation of books is received.
Internet facilities are also available at the library including 1 computer specifically designed and setup for seniors access.
In 1907 the Wardens Court operated out of the brick building which still stands today. Since 1923 the building has been home to the Sandstone Remote Community School.
Unfortunately due to lack of the number of children the school is now closed.
Medical Care
The Sandstone Nursing Post was opened in 2002. The Nursing Post operates every Thursday with the additional services of the RFDS Doctor in attendance every second Thursday.
In the event of an emergency an Ambulance Service can be contacted on 000 or call R.F.D.S on 1800 625 800
Both diesel and unleaded petrol are now available 24 hours a day from the self serve fuel station on the corner of Oroya and Payne Streets. You will need an EFTPOS card to operate the machine.
Telstra is the only service provider in this area.
Rubbish Collection
General household collection is on Monday morning.
Commercial collection is on Monday and Thursday mornings.
For large, heavy or dangerous goods collection please contact the shire.