The Sandstone Heritage Museum in the visitor centre accommodates various implements, appliances and bric a brac which help to portray what life was like in Sandstone from the turn of the century. As you walk around looking at the various photographs and stories on the walls one can imagine and share in the hopes and dreams of the people who once resided in this area.
The Shire of Sandstone is extremely grateful to its past and present residents who have entrusted items to the custodianship of the Shire Council and thus made the Heritage Museum possible.
The Sandstone Heritage Museum is located in a converted grocery store which was built in the late 1940's and operated until 1981. After this time the building was used as a multi-purpose store that served as a hardware shop, fuel-depot and agricultural supply business.
Open (April to October) 7 days a week 9.00am to 4.00pm

image: Tourism WA and @cjMaddock
London Bridge, a prominent attraction in Sandstone, is part of a larger formation about 800 metres long, varying in height from around 3 to 10 metres. It is formed of weathered basalt and the rock is believed to be about 350 million years old.
London Bridge is Falling Down
Unfortunately with time the bridge is getting thinner and thinner and will eventually fall. We do ask that you enjoy the picture from ground level to preserve this natural wonder, and for your own safety as well.
For over 100 years London Bridge has been a popular lookout spot in Sandstone. In the 1900's it was frequented as a spectacular town picnic site and still is today. It is estimated the rocks of the Sandstone belt are close to 2 billion years old.
Astronomers believe the age of the earth itself to be 4.6 billion years, so the Sandstone strata are little less than half the age of the planet.

The Miner's Cottage, located on Thaduna Street, opposite Black Range Chapel, was built in 1923-24 by a local pastoralist. It is a typical example of a miner's cottage of the time.
It has been restored with numerous donations from the local Sandstone community and has been furnished with items from that era.

The Black Range Chapel in Sandstone was originally constructed in 1908 as a Catholic Church known as St Athanasius. A year later an adjoining school was built which had 60 pupils by 1911. The convent closed in 1929 due to population decrease. This school building was then moved to Wiluna.
In October 1995 the Catholic Bishop of Geraldton vested the premises to the Shire of Sandstone and it became a non-denominational church named the Black Range Chapel. Major restorations to the Chapel took place in 1995.
The main feature of the Black Range Chapel restoration is the stained glass window which depicts the local landscape, flora and fauna. Today the chapel is mainly used for weddings, funerals and other special occasions.

The Brewery in Sandstone was constructed in 1907 by Irishman J V Kearney, to provide for the demands of the many miners then working in the area. It was built on top of a breakaway, close to where the cliff drops some 30-40 feet. From the top-most storey, where water was pumped from a well, the product of the establishment found its way by gravitation to the coolers (which were provided with fans in the hot weather) thence to two large vats on the main floor.
From there it went to the cellar, which was an immense tunnel driven into the face of the breakaway and pipes conveyed the beer to the receptacles provided. The cellar was originally cut out with dynamite and the material out of it was made into a loading ramp so that the wagons could drive up to the door to load the beer.
The cellar could be kept remarkably cool in the hottest weather by means of a connecting rise or winze which is a hole bored through the ceiling of the cellar up to the top of the breakaway. The liquor from the Sandstone brewery was sold to the surrounding hotels. However with the opening of the railway line, regular supplies of beer from breweries elsewhere became available and the Sandstone brewery closed for business.

Contradiction Well was the first town water supply and in fact predates the establishment of the Sandstone townsite. It was located on Menzies Road for prospectors, Cobb & Co coaches and travellers in the area to use for horses and livestock.
Latrines were installed in 1904 (two years before Sandstone was established) by the board of health who were appointed by the Black Range Progress Association. Little else is known about the well.
Each year after the winter rains, the rust-red plains of the Gascoyne-Murchison are blanketed in soft, velvety green flora - and with the arrival of spring sunshine, they burst into bloom.
The landscape of Sandstone becomes continual fields of pink, white and yellow everlastings, delighting photographers and wildflower enthusiasts alike. When visiting Sandstone, stop the car and take in the beauty of the wreath flower, purple vetch and red grevilleas. The peak of the season depends on the winter rains, but usually occurs from July to August.
The Murchison GeoRegion is a unique and picturesque region located in outback Western Australia. The self-drive trail will take tourists through a number of ancient sites and landmarks in the region. Download the app from the apple store or google play. Alternatively pop into the Sandstone Visitor Centre and our friendly staff can assist you.
Some more links for you to explore
Subject to Weather and availability of volunteers to run sessions
Sandstone is one of the best places on earth to experience spectacular sunsets and the glory of the night sky. The darkness of the outback sky and clear atmosphere make it a brilliant location to stargaze.
The Astrodome is located in the old school grounds on Griffith St and viewings will be conducted between April and October.
Bookings are essential and can be made at the Visitors Centre on the corner of Oroya and Hack Street. A small cost per person is payable at the time of booking.
Bring your binoculars and enjoy what the spectacular Sandstone night sky has to offer.
For more information, please call the Visitors Centre