Community Bus BreastScreen Trip
The Shire Community Bus will be going to Mt Magnet on the 24th March for a screening, FREE for those aged 40 and over.
BreastScreen WA have a block open for Sandstone from 10:15AM
The bus will leave Sandstone at 8:30AM
There are limited spots available so you must book with the Shire to secure your reserved spot
Call us on: 9963 5802
For Anyone Getting a Breast Screen, remember:
- Wear two piece clothing - Top and bra need to be removed.
- NO deodorant or Talc powder before the mammogram as this can be mistaken on the x-ray as cancer.
Note: Sandstone Residents are not limited to booking only on the 24th but you will need to find your own way to Mt Magnet on other days.